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APO/FPO Shipping Policy

This is a Website of 3 Star Inc.,
(a Virginia Incorporation) located at:
9487 King Air Court Suite C
Ashland, VA 23005 USA

...and can be contacted by:
or e-mail:

This APO FPO Shipping Policy is "as of" February 05, 2024


How to Detail Military Billing Addresses

With the inclusion of AA, AE and AP "States", If the Billing address information tied to your Payment Method is a Bona Fide Military address, simply fill out the fields in an identical manner to that which was given when opening the Payment Account, and when this information is passed to and through the Payment Gateway, it should be recognized as same. This will insure that it is not Rejected due to "Billing Address Mismatch".

If the Billing Address information used in opening the Account for your Payment Method is, in fact, a civilian address... Please use the Identical information so that when this information is passed to and through the Payment Gateway, it should be recognized as same. This will insure that it is not Rejected due to "Billing Address Mismatch".

The Phone number associated with the Payment Method Account must be the same as the "Daytime" Phone number. If this number is no longer valid as a means to accurately contact you, please use the "Night time" Phone number and/or Cell Phone number fields to give us (and the "Shipping Solution") a readily available means to contact you in case of issues.


In addition... the Verification protocols we have asked the Payment Gateways to invoke is for both our Mutual Protections against Fraud... As is the Use of Payment Gateways versus Our Site for Processing Payments (We sleep well at night, knowing that cyber criminals will only be wasting their time in trying to hack our Sites!)

How to Detail Military Shipping Addresses

ALL APO FPO Shipping is USPS Priority Mail only, Please select that Service!

In the Name Fields, we have separated First and Last names. You can enter your Rank along with your First Name or Initials in the "First Name" field, or you can simply enter your Rank.

In the "Last Name" field, you can enter an Incorporation name after and in addition to; your Last Name (Surname) if, you are in fact, a Military Contractor.

In the 1st line of "Address" field of the Shipping Details Page, enter your Unit, Building, Base, Camp, Fort and other Pertinant Logistical Information as was provided you by your MPO/XO.

In the 2nd line of the "Address" field of the Shipping Details Page, enter the City/Town and Country (Security Permitting).

In the "City" field of the Shipping Details Page, enter APO or FPO only.
APO stands for Army Post Office
FPO stands for Fleet Post Office
Both are part of the MPO (Military Post Office) System.

In the "State" field, you will find the Drop Down Box contains AA, AE and AP.
AA, which stands for Armed Forces (the) Americas (not including Canada)
AE, which stands for Armed Forces Europe (includes Canada, Africa and the Middle East)
AP, which stands for Armed Forces Pacific
Please select those as appropriate and refrain from using FL, NY and CA as this will delay Processing and Shipping while the appropriate Forms and Protocols will have to be Cross-Indexed and additional Charges my be assessed prior to shipment.

Zip Code
Enter the Zip Code associated with your Unit and Theatre as was provided you by your MPO/XO. The accuracy of the Zip Code is important as it further defines the Paperwork associated with Processing your Shipment, as well as the charges assessed by USPS for Zone classification.


Regardless of Country of ultimate destination, because the USPS is delivering to the MPO State-side, you must select United States Military from the Country Drop Down Box.

What You will Do and Accept

USPS Priority Mail- APO FPO mail will ONLY Ship via USPS Priority Mail. To make the shipping options and selections User-Friendly for all parties; we have opted not to lock down or seclude Military shipping apart from Civilian Shipping. This means that We (3 Star Inc, et al) are NOT charging you any more for this service than we would for any other Customer. Therefore, You WILL select USPS- Priority Mail as the Service to Ship by, regardless of any other option presented (shown to) you. If USPS-Priority Mail Selection does not show, there is a reason for this, and you must contact us (email or Phone above) before completing the Order. Weight Restrictions are in place with Usage of the USPS-Priority Mail Solution as provided on this site. We have reduced the weight limit from 70 lbs. to 34 lbs. as to preclude use of this service for shipping Non-Machineable Items offered on this Site for Sale that would require USPS or LTL Freight Shipping Solutions. Further, understand that this limitation limits both of our exposure to "Balloon" or "Irregular" Surcharges that cannot be Calculated accurately via the USPS web access Application that we use to interface with USPS. Any Orders that exceed this Weight Restriction will simply have to be split up into 2 or more Orders at a time to have the Priority Mail Selection appear on the "Order Details" Page. Again, if the USPS-Priority Mail Selection does not present itself on the "Order Details" page, there is a reason, and no other shipping selection will be honored.

Additional Fees/Duties/Charges Assessed- We do NOT charge any more for Our Products Sold to Service Members as we would to any other Customer. We do NOT charge anything for completing the Paper work associated with Shipping APO/FPO. We do NOT Charge more for the use of USPS-Priority Mail than any other Customers. We do NOT charge for the trip to the USPS PO as is required for APO/FPO Mailings. We do this in Service and Honor to You, the Armed Forces Service Member. When additional service Fees are incurred by Us (3 Star Inc, et al) for, and in, any unforseen circumstances (regardless of Fault), including but not limited to; Inaccurate Addressing, Inaccurate Labeling, Return of Shipment as "Undeliverable", Prohibited or Contraband Item, Unpaid Customs Duties, Country Importation Fees, Incomplete/Inaccurate/Missing Paperwork, Incorrect Shipping Method/Selection, Incorrect Shipping Container, Over-weight, Over-sized, etc... You Agree to be charged these additional Fees, etc. as we incurr them, in a reasonable pricing, manner and timing, when presented to you or your Agent, by Us. You also Agree to Pay Duties, Fees and Charges incurred by you upon or before Receipt of your Order as presented you, in association with this shipment by Regulatory Authorities having Jurisdiction, and failure to do so will NOT be a reason to Refuse/Return or Refund your Order.

Insurance/Damage/Tracking/Theft- We will Insure your Order with USPS and provide this and other USPS Tracking info to the e-mail address of record that you provided us when you placed your order. We won't release ANY information or acknowledgement of your Order to anyone over the phone (except as provided for in our other Policies) without proof of Identity as deemed acceptable by Us. As an Armed Forces Service Member or Family Member, we know what shipping by MPO means, as well as the pitfalls, frailties, exposures and risks associated with this Method of Shipping. USPS Insurance and Tracking is Generally up to the Point of Exchange with the MPO. Insurance against Theft/Loss/Damage while in Transit by MPO is not available, nor will We (3 Star Inc, et al) assume any responsibility for same. Delivery Confirmation by USPS to the MPO will Constitute Proof of Delivery to You, by You, Your Agent and Us (3 Star Inc, et al). Shipping beyond the Point of Exchange with the MPO will be considered beyond our control. Our Warranty Policy is Spelled out as such and can be accessed by clicking on the "General Policies" Link at the bottom of any page on this Site.

What We will Do and Accept

In General- We all know that Merchants, online or otherwise, who are willing to jump through the hoops and deal with the B.S. of Shipping APO/FPO are few and far between. The reasons are obvious, extra work that translates to unpaid man-hours and disappointments a plenty for both the Merchant and the Customer when things go wrong. The Reality is that both lose when things go wrong, and the source of the problems associated with these "things" is beyond being made responsible. To make matters worse, there are plenty of Folks out there that seemed to grow up (loosely defined) without Home Training... It makes it difficult to account for these variables when your Livelihood is involved, yet we have decided that the Principle of Service is Most Important, and that only by example, can idiocy past, present and future be overcome. Please don't make us regret this decision. We encourage Family to Procure and Ship items whenever possible, as theft of private mail is less likely to occur within the parameters of "Perceived Value", "The Code" and "Honor amongst Thieves".

The Paperwork- We will fill out as accurately and completely as Humanly Possible, based Primarily upon the Information and Order given Us. If you know of any deficiency in the information not gathered by this Site in processing your Order, contact Us via the means available above. Accurately includes but is not limited to Pricing, Quantity, Description, Origin and Destination. This may mean that you will incurr Levies, Taxes, Duties and Fees as a result. We may review the information with Postal Officials to ascertain the completeness of said Paperwork and Forms to decrease likelihood of delivery failure. The Tracking Number (which is usually the Customs form number) will be emailed to you after USPS PO Drop-off for your purposes up to the point of exchange with the MPO. Copies of this and all other information associated with this Order may reside on paper and electronic Copies for an undetermined amount of time after the Sale has been consumated, but cannot be specifically available On-Demand 24/7.

USPS PO Drop-Off- We will, on most occasions, make it to the USPS PO within 24 hrs. of Confirmed Sale. We cannot guarantee acceptance and Processing by the USPS PO within this 24 hr period, nor can we further represent that USPS Tracking online will be timely and Accurate. We will email you confirmation after the Drop-Off and with Tracking info.

Packaging- We can Assure you that the Packaging in Most Cases will, in fact, be Ours in addition to or as opposed to that Supplied by the Factory. Further, that it will be Professionally done, Labeled Appropriately and Suitable for it's intended Purpose. Some Packaging will only Supplement that Product contained inside, being that the Product itself constitutes the bulk of the Mechanical Integrity of the Packaging, as is Reasonable and Appropriate. Heavy Duty Tape will be used in Most cases for strength of seal, yet this would not Preclude or Prevent Opening and Inspection by Authorities having Jurisdiction, nor can we be responsible for them to re-package the Order in Like manner. If anyone handling the Shipment cannot act with reasonable care in preventing damage, none of us may ever know exactly what occurred and when.

Communication- We will Communicate any and all issues regarding your Order and Subsequent shipment as accurately and as quickly as possible. Obviously, the information you give us is paramount to being able to fulfill this obligation, please use email addresses that will be monitored by you frequently. Decisions that may be made in absence of timely communication and response by you could have negative consequences. We will make ourselves available to any and all parties as you may deem necessary to solve issues that arise to successfully complete the shipment to your hands. Any costs incurred may be subject to re-imbursement by you or your Agent as indicated previously.


If We're Wrong, We Will Make Good... If We're Not, We Will Vigorously Defend Our Interests.