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Privacy Policy

This is a Website of 3 Star Inc.,
(a Virginia Incorporation) located at:
9487 King Air Court Suite C
Ashland, VA 23005 USA

...and can be contacted by:
or e-mail:

This Privacy Policy is "as of" August 13, 2024


Web Server

Our Web Server Hosting is Provided by Intelli-Net and as such, Enjoins Us and Our Registered Users to Policies and Terms of Use. Click the "General Policies" Link on the Footer of Any Full Page for More Information.
Financial Information is Never Requested, nor Taken by Our Web-Site.

IP Addresses- of the originating ISP Portals, DNS's, Redirects, Search Engines to which you accessed the Web (and Thereby Us); are generally the only Anonymous In-Bound Information collected in Reporting Form by the Server, and Does Not Include Any Personally Identifiable Information Unless You Own and are Registered as the Administrator of said Aforementioned Entities, and that is, in fact, Public Domain (just like Us). We Use this Information to assess General Usage Demographics, primarily in Finding Broken Links or Programs, Maintainance, or in Identifying the Source of Attacks or Abuse, of which We have Zero Tolerance, and Reserve the Right to Act accordingly.

However, whether You are Aware of this or not, Your ISP, DNS's, Search Engines and Certain Government Agencies regularly accrue Detailed Tracking Information for Their Purposes, of which We have No Control over, No Access to, nor do We Benefit from.

Web Site

Our Web Site is a Collection of Programs, Web Pages and Script that, in conjunction with Your Browser, renders the Pages of Products and Services Displayed to You for Sale. The Purpose of is E-Commerce and is a Safe Means to that End. Our Site will Collect Aggregate Anonymous Information about The Types of Web Browsers Used, and Traffic to and From Our Site, as to Allow us to Send the Correct Form of Information that Your Browser Requests when You Visit Our Site. is Particularly different from most Sites by Virtue of the Fact that This Site does Not Collect Credit Card or Payment Information.

Cookies- are Snippets of Code Placed by Web Sites with Your Browser's Permission that Anonymously Identify Your Connection to the Site. employs a Shopping Cart Program that uses Cookies as a Means to Separate Your Cart Actions from Others' Shopping Carts and Orders. Shopping at does Not Require you to Join or Register, However, If You do Register and Log_In as a Registered User, a Cookie may be used to Identify You as such and enable Us to send You Priviledged Information from Our Site to Your Browser. We Cannot Delete Cookies from Your Browser as that is an Administrative Function Only You can Perform on Your Computer. Your Browser has Settings which can Set, Change and Control how Your Browser Accepts and Displays Information from Any Web Site, and We Encourage You to Become Familiar with These Settings. Our Cookie is Inactive the Moment You Leave Our Site and Don't Return within 5 Minutes, Log Out, or When You Successfully Complete an Order for Purchase.

Browser Add-Ons- Your Web Browser Uses Add-Ons (Sub-Routine Programs) that Can Enhance Your Browsing Experience. These Also Operate within the Permission Settings that You Control. As of the Publishing Date Defined Above, This Web Site Uses Java (by Sun Microsystems), Acrobat (by Adobe) and Microsoft Corp. Browser Extensions.

Third Parties- We Do Not Employ Third Parties for Any On-Screen Enhancements that Require Placing Additional Cookies or Tracking Codes Such as Banners, Ads, etc. We Do Provide Numerous Links Inbound (to within This Site) and Outbound (to Sites Administrated and Maintained by Others) for Your Benefit and Solely for the Purpose of Education, Resource and Specification. Sites Maintained by Others are Not Within Our Realm of Control, but Safe to the Best of Our Knowledge or We would Not Include Them. A Right Click on Any Link will open a Submenu, Click on "Properties" to Positively Identify the Target and If You have Any Doubts, You Should Research the Policies and Backgrounds of Those Sites as Well.

Malware- is Script or Other Malicious Software that Surreptitiously Installs Itself onto Your Browser or Operating System as to Track, Collect, Store and Forward Information to Others Without Your Knowledge, or Re-Write Your Programs to Become Un-Usable, Un-Usable or a Nuisanse as to Steer You towards Unwanted Advertising and/or Purchases. Does Not Utilize or Tolerate Such Deceptive Practices.
At No Time is User Specific Tracking Information Collected During Your Visit.

Security- is Employed at Several Levels within Our Web Site.
First and Foremost, We Do Not Collect Payment Information on Our Site, All Payment Information is Taken on the Secure Web Sites of the Payment Gateway you choose at the End of the Order Process. Your Browser is Redirected to Them at this Point of the Transaction through a Secure Socket Layer and Returns to Us only after the Payment Gateway Process is Complete.
Secondly, We Also Employ a Secure Socket Layer Technology When You Register or Log In as a User and When You Choose to "Check Out" with Your Cart and Begin the Order Process. Look for the "Lock" Symbol in the Title Bar of Your Browser During this Process!
Thirdly, We Encrypt any Information Stored on Our Database, Which Again, Does Not Include Payment Information.
(I am Repititious as to Hopefully Communicate Effectively to the Little Miscrients Who Have Nothing Else to do but Waste Their Time in Trying to Hack into Our Site for Credit Card Info... Some People just Ain't got the Brains God gave an Animal Cracker on Sunday!)

Name, Street Address, Phone Number and E-mail Address

Orders- You would Agree that this Information is Only Necessary When You Complete an Order on Our Site for Sale/Delivery to You. This is When We Ask for it. Remember that This Information is Transmitted by You, From Your Browser, to Our Site, Utilizing a Secure Socket Layer Technology and Encrypted on Our Database, Which is Only Accessable By Us (Collectively), and You, if You have Registered as a User. Information Collected during this Process can be Accessed/Verified/Amended by Contacting Us Directly by Telephone at the Telephone number Above and Upon Satisfactory Proof of Identity.

Registered User- is Anyone Who Wishes to be Known to Us When They Visit Our Site. As a Registered User of Our Site, You are Only Afforded Access to Public and Your Personally Identifiable (encrypted) Non-Financial Registration Information that You and You Alone Provided Freely as a Condition for said Use during Registration. Users Can Gain Access to, and Verify/Amend Their Own Personal Information, Order Status, and Functions Within Our Site such as; Placing Advertisements, Blogs, Forums, etc... and May Receive and Use Coupons or Account Level Pricing Structures. Obviously, We Have a Need to Know Who is Accessing these Features. Password Reset is an On-line Registered User Function. Off-line Access/Verification/Amendment Requires Contacting Us Directly by Telephone at the Telephone number Above and Upon Satisfactory Proof of Identity.

Chain of Custody- of This Information is as Follows:

(1) When You Complete an Order , or Register/Log In as a User, This Information is Taken through a Secure Socket Layer and Encrypted on Our Database.
(2) You will Receive a Confirmation E-mail when You Register, Request a Password, or Complete an Order.
(3) This Information Accompanies Your Order to the Payment Gateway through Their Secure Socket Layer When, and Only When, You Choose to Pay for This Order On-line.
(4) You may Receive a Confirmation E-mail from the Payment Gateway with a Receipt Attached if You Requested This Action.
(5) We Receive Copies of these Confirmation E-mails from Both Our Site and the Payment Gateway when These Actions are Complete.
(6) This Information is Transferred to Our Invoicing and Shipping Programs (Based on the Shipping Method You Chose) for Processing Your Order.
(7) A Copy of Both the Invoice and Shipping/Tracking Info. is Provided/Accessable to You During this Process for between 30-45 days. (Afterwards by Request)
(8) Invoices are Part of Our Tax Records and May be Retained for a Minimum of 7 Years as Required by Applicable Code.
(9) Shipping Information Retained by the Shipper is Beyond Our Control and You have the Option of Local Pick-up on All Orders. We Do Not Ship Uninsured Shipments to Anonymous PO Boxes... Sorry...
(10) The Information Encrypted on the Database of Our Web Site may Remain Resident for a Period of 30-45 Days before it is Deleted, as it is Necessary to Satisfactorally Complete the Transaction.
(11) Only 3 Star Inc. (Owner of Web Site), Itty Bitty Communications (Web Developer), ViArt (Program Developer) and Intelli-Net (Web Host) have access to the Web Site for Purposes of Routine Maintainance and Programming During the 30-45 day Period Before Your Order Information is Deleted and Typically Don't Receive/Retain Administration Levels that Access This Temporary Database.
(12) As a Registered User, You can Delete This Information and Close Your Account at Any Time. After Having Done so, We May or May Not Remove any Ads, Blogs, etc. Placed by You on Our Site.

Marketing- As it Regards Address Specific Information About You, is Only Utilized Within 3 Star Inc., It's Agents and Assignees for the Specific Purpose Under Which You Gave it to Us. Based Upon Your Patronage, We May Extend to You Information or Offers Intended Specifically for You as a Client. We Do Not Now Nor Never Will Contact You by Telephone for Marketing Purposes. If At Any Time, You Receive Such Communication Via Post or E-mail and Do Not Wish to be Contacted Further, Write or Call Us Using the Address and Telephone Number Above and You Will be Removed from Any Future Contact. You can also E-mail Your Request to, Which is in Keeping with Accepted Web Industry Practices.

Others- Do Not Have Access to This Information, Nor Will It be Given (Other than the Aforementioned Collective Us) or Sold to Any Other Third Party  for Any Marketing Purpose Not Involving Us. If In the Future This Aspect of Our Policy Were to Change, You would be Contacted via E-mail With the Opportunity to "Opt Out" Prior to This Change Taking Effect.

Law and Other Enforcement- Through Applicable Code, Subpeona or Contractual Obligation, May Gain Access to This and Other Information for Their Purposes, and at this Point, is Obviously Beyond Our Control. Do Not Abuse Your Registered Access to Our Site for Nefarious, Non-Intended or Illegal Purposes as We Reserve the Right to; Remove You Ourselves, Protect Other Users of this Site, and Seek Remedies in Any Appropriate Forum.

If You Feel that We have Violated any Provision of this Policy, You Can Contact;
(1) Us by Any of the Means Previously Identified on This Page
(2) State or Local Chapters of the Better Business Bureau
(3) State or Local Consumer Protection Service
(4) The Federal Trade Commission by phone at 202-FTC-HELP (202-382-4357) or electronically at

If We're Wrong, We Will Make Good... If We're Not, We Will Vigorously Defend Ourselves.