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ROHN 45G Towers

ROHN Tower Accessories

Original OEM Plates, Brackets, Bearings, Shelves, Hardware Mounts and other Accessories

45G Brackets & Mounts

Original OEM Brackets, Mounts and Accessories

ROHN Tower Sections

Middle, Top Cap, Solid Rail, Base and Specialty Tower Sections to Build a ROHN Tower Installation

ROHN Self Supporting Towers

ROHN G Series are available as self-supporting Pre-Engineered tower Kits.

ROHN Bracketed Towers

The ROHN Tower can be installed onto buildings using two brackets along the height of the Structure.

ROHN Guyed Towers

Pre-Engineered Tower Kits
Max Wind 70 to 130 MPH
ROHN 45G Towers, Sections, Parts and Accessories

The Rohn 45G Series Multipurpose Tower

Tower and foundation installations should be performed by qualified and experienced personnel using construction drawings. This document is to serve as a guide for sizing and buying the 45G tower. All types of antenna installations should be thoroughly inspected by qualified personnel and re-marked with appropriate danger and anti-climb labels at least twice a year to ensure safety and proper performance.

Wind Loading, Antenna Loading and Wind Survivability ratings vs. Height Documentation Provided by ROHN is available here as a Resource, but is by no means complete by itself or a substitution for Engineering Conducted Specific to your Application. Contact Us with any Questions you may have regarding Use prior to Purchase. All Information regarding the ROHN 45G Tower line, Parts and Accessories is as accurate and complete as we can possibly provide given that this Resource Offering is subject to change without Notice and is beyond Our Control.





ROHN Complete Tower ID Nomenclature



  1. Tower designs are in accordance with ANSI/TIA-222-F-1996 and ANSI/TIA-222-G-2005, Class I Structures.
  2. Design assumes towers are installed on level ground. Lower EPA values will apply for roof mounted towers or for sites located on unusual terrain.
  3. Designs assume one 1/2" and one 7/8" diameter lines on each tower face.
  4. Anchor radius is from tower base to intersection of anchor rod with ground.
  5. Tower designs and guy chord lengths shown are based on level ground. Initial tensions for guys in pounds at 60º Fahrenheit are shown in ( ).
  6. Antenna and mounts are assumed symmetrically placed at the tower top.


  1. Items listed are required for complete (ground) guyed towers. Base and anchor details will be required for installation on roofs or for sites located on unusual terrains and wind loading criteria, for all roof type installations.
  2.  Standard guys provided with each standard tower include an additional 6% length.
  3. Anchor grounding (AGK1GGX) and base grounding (BGK3GGX) are included with the tower material.
  4. Installation information and a safety package (P/N: ACWS) are included with each tower.

Rohn 45G Part Specification Sheets & Rohn 45G Buyers Guides

Guides and specification sheets are found on every products specifications tab. For a complete list of these guides organized alphabetically by manufacturer part number/code, visit the detailed information and Specifications page. These documents should answer most of the questions you may have on the Rohn 45G product line

ROHN 45G Buyers Guide


ROHN 45G Buyers Guide


Workhorse of America's Communications


ROHN Tower series is the Workhorse of America's Communications needs large or small. People, institutions, governments and local businesses all use and trust our products every day. These products are used by agencies and industries like:

  • The Space Program
  • The Olympics
  • TV, AM & FM Broadcasting Stations
  • Terrestrial Microwave
  • Business-Band Radio
  • HAM Radio Operators
  • Off-Air Antenna
  • and DTV

Bringing reception to fringe areas outside the Suburban Broadcast Area. Plus everything is made right here in America. ROHN fabricates their towers from the highest quality steel. While maintaining mill certification on the raw materials they receive so they can verify the material composition of each structural member. With a focus on quality, their fabrication facility has been awarded Certification by the American Institute of Steel Construction and the Canadian Welding Bureau. Plus the City of Los Angeles, CA and Clark County, NV they are a certified fabricator. The Rohn facility and it's staff can produce a superior grade tower and supporting hardware that will meet your standards and weather the test of time.

ROHN Towers, Accessories and their Construction/Assembly Assistance are also available just contact us at 877-660-0974 at anytime for assistance.




a) The intended purpose of these guidelines is to assist the customer and/or owner to retain the services of a Geotechnical Engineer.

b) It is not ROHN´s purpose or intent to supercede the Geotechnical Engineer´s knowledge, judgement and/or experience. It is the Geotechnical Engineer´s responsibility to add or delete from these items, based on local site conditions and other factors.

c) Additional information is provided in ANSI/TIA-222-G Annex G "Geotechnical Investigations".


a) ROHN will not accept any liability, either expressed or implied, for the use of, and omissions in, these guidelines.


a) Borings should be taken at tower legs for self-supporting towers and at the base and anchor points for guyed towers. For small self-supporting towers, two borings may suffice. For large self-supporting towers, one boring should be taken at each tower leg. A "small" self-supporting tower is assumed to have a face width less than 20 feet and a compression load less than 50 kips per leg. For pole structures, one boring may suffice.

b) The minimum boring depth should be 30 feet for pole structures, self-supporting towers and guyed tower bases. For guyed tower anchors, the minimum depth should be 15 feet. The actual depth of boring must be determined by the Geotechnical Engineer based on reactions, soil conditions and the type of foundation recommended.

c) If borings cannot be advanced to the desired depth, rock corings should be taken. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) values and compressive strengths should be determined.


a) The following properties, for each soil layer encountered, should be determined by field or laboratory testing and summarized in the geotechnical report:

1. Soil classification and elevations
2. Standard penetration values
3. Unconfined compression strength
4. Angle of internal friction
5. Cohesion
6. "In-Situ" soil density and moisture content
7. Rock quality designation (RQD) and percent rock sample recovered
8. Other properties unique to site conditions

b) The following items should be discussed in the geotechnical report:

1. Geological description of site
2. Observed and expected ground water conditions
3. Expected frost penetration depth
4. Corrosion potential of soil and corrosion protection recommendations
5. Site access and potential construction difficulties
6. Dewatering or site drainage requirements
7. Backfill material recommendations
8. Settlement considerations
9. Additional information to aid foundation designer
10. Recommended types of foundations
11. Design parameters for uplift, download and lateral load
12. Factor of safety considered when allowable vs. ultimate design parameters are provided
13. Recommended construction techniques and inspections