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ROHN 65G Tower 5 Foot Short Base Section R-SB65GH

Manufacturer CodeSB65GH
AvailabilityUsually ships in 24 Hrs


Hot Dip Galvanized
Flange Bolted Joints
Zig-Zag Rod Bracing
1.90 OD Tubular Steel
Side Rails
24-1/4" Equalateral
Triangular Design
Can be used in:
Guyed, Self Supporting
Bracketed Config.s

Bulk Quantities Available Here!

ROHN SB65GH 5 Foot Short Base Tower Section

for Embedment in Concrete. This Short Base Section is set into a hole, with concrete poured around it to provide a 4 bolt flange connections to the 65G 10 or 20 foot Tower Sections. Featuring a 24-1/4" equilateral triangular design, the R-SB65GH is constructed of extra heavy duty 1.90" O.D. tubular steel side rails with continuous 5/8" solid steel rod bracing. The 65G tower can be used guyed, self-supporting or bracketed configurations according to specifications in the ROHN Catalog. As a guyed structure, it can rise to a maximum of 500 feet. Self-supporting and bracketed heights depend on loading and are also specified in the ROHN Catalog.


Since there are various other Manufacturers of Towers and Tower accessories that copy the ROHN Tower design, if you are not sure of the manufacturer of your Tower, you can at least compare the actual measurements and design of yours to those found in the spec. sheets in the ROHN catalog section via the Link provided above to assure yourself that additional sections or parts will fit. We cannot make that determination for you as the ROHN clones are something we don't carry or otherwise represent in our Product line. All towers in the GT Series are constructed with high strength steel tubing and feature ROHN's exclusive Zig-Zag ® solid rod bracing to provide exceptional strength. All GT Series Towers are hot dip galvanized after fabrication. In this process, each section of the tower is totally immersed in molten zinc, allowing every square inch of the tower, inside and out, to be completely covered. Hot dip galvanizing protects all points of welding and construction against rust and corrosion while providing an attractive finish.

The 65G is a true multi-use structure that provides excellent strength for applications up to 500´ with heavy steel tube legs to satisfy a wide variety of needs under varied conditions. When properly installed, the standard tower will support the loads shown on various guyed and self-supporting information sheets in the ROHN catalog.

Most Restrictions Allow for 40 feet of Height without the Necessity of Guy Wires, Anchors or Braces. However, No Tower is self supporting during construction! Always use temporary guys on the top most section, and install permanent guy wires as soon as a guy point height is reached.

ROHN 65G Buyers Guide

ROHN 65G Buyers Guide

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