This RG11 Cable Product is designed for General Interior and Exterior Usage (NOT for Direct Burial). It Features a PVC Jacket with various layers of shield. RG11 (RG-11) is to 75 Ohm as RG213 or RG214 is to 50 Ohm cable. RG11 Cable featuring 60% Braided Shield is comprised of an Aluminum Foil bonded to the Foam Dielectric with Aluminum Braided Shield with 60% coverage. Quad Shield RG11 would denote alternating Aluminum Foil and Aluminum Braided Shield Layers, starting with the Bonded Foil Layer around the Foam Dielectric, with the better Quad Shield having 2 Layers of Braided Aluminum Shield, one of 60% and the 2nd at 40%. Tri-Shield RG11 will have 77% Braided Aluminum Shield Coverage Between 2 Layers of Aluminum Foil Shield, the 1st Foil Layer being Bonded to the Foam Dielectric. RG11 is the lowest loss Flexible Braided Shield Drop cable Commercially Manufactured for Satellite TV, TV Antenna and Cable TV usage. Use for distances over 150 feet or when every dB counts. For Cable with less loss than RG11, one would then have to avail themselves to Hardline Coaxial with a Single Solid Shield (typically Aluminum) that is pricey, but delivers commensurate Results for the Money. Most all RG11 Manufactured uses Aluminum Braided Shield, the difference of note being the amount of Aluminum Braid Coverage and the composition of the Center Conductor; Solid Copper vs. Copper Clad Steel. Copper Clad Steel will suffice in almost any utilization scenario, however most Satellite TV Operating companies will require Solid Copper Center Conductor to be used by their respective Sub-Contractor Installers for Maintenance and Warranty issues. This is due to the DC Voltage component being fed from the Receiver back to, and Powering the LNB(f)s mounted on the Satellite Dish. Unless the run is extremely long and the connectors applied are of dubious Quality, the DC Loop Resistance difference between Solid Bare Copper and Copper Clad Steel is negligible.